Police Officers from different departments of Police drawn from the districts of Teso undergoing training on Human Rights Protection funded by NUREP—EU at the [more…]

Major Agaba Moses; the Director of Human Rights in the UPDF facilitating on the role of the UPDF in the Protection of Human Rights [more…].

ASP Mr. John Ogwen, the Regional Community Liaison Officer Mid-Eastern training the Local Council Chairpersons on the rights of suspects during Arrest and Detention [more…]
  • Latest news

    Respect and Observance of Human Rights and the Rule of Law in Post Conflict Teso.

    SODANN Enhances the Capacity of various Stakeholders in Teso responsible for the Protection of Human Rights through Training in Human Rights and the Responsibility to Protect.

    Captain & a Legal Officer in the UPDF, explains the rules of procedure in the Court Martial incase a Civilian is arrested in possession of illegal arm. Many people in Teso are alleged to be in possession of illegal arms. Some of whom are just framed due land grudges. They end up in Military Court Martial. Without proper investigation and legal representation, they may suffer for a long time. During the training the army officers provided for avenues in which such suspects can be assisted incase the communities are aware that they have been wrongfully framed and that they are innocent.

    SODANN Training of Human Rights Monitors and Supervisors on Monitoring, Documentation and Reporting.

    SODANN Human Rights Monitors and Human Rights Supervisors from the seventeen sub counties of Soroti District attending three day training on Monitoring, Reporting and Documentation of Human Rights Violations and Abuses.

  • About us

    Soroti Development Association & NGOs Network (SODANN)


    SODANN was formed in 1994 to organise and enable the collective voice of civil society organizations and community based organisations in the then Soroti district. At this time Uganda was planning to decentralize its administration and service delivery. Today what was Soroti district has been split into four districts namely Soroti, Kaberamaido, Amuria and Katakwi; the Teso region.
    SODANN serves all groups regardless of economic, religious, ethnic, political, inclinations. Its membership has grown to 130 Community based organisations (CBOs), Non-government organisations (NGOs) and Development Agencies from Soroti District & Teso.

    The Networks development and institution strengthening activities (projects) have helped many different kinds of Community based organisations/ Non governmental organisations to develop local capacity to implement development activities. Information sharing, policy advocacy and capacity building enhances collaboration and consolidation of local efforts.


    A vibrant civil society contributing to sustainable development process in Teso.


    To enhance the effectiveness of Civil Society in Teso to reduce poverty through capacity building and policy advocacy.

    Featured Programmes Areas

    1. Transitional Justice.
    Transitional justice is about addressing past human rights violations and includes both formal (judicial) and informal (traditional) forms of justice. SODANN is working to rebuild social trust in Teso, repair a broken justice system and build a democratic system of governance…
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    2. Human Rights
    We help duty bearers and the community of Teso learn about the concept of human rights and rule of the law. Through projects like Human Rights Protection, funded by the EU, we document cases of human right violation by law enforcement…
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    3. Democracy & Good Governance.
    SODANN is contributing to actions that will help lead to free and fair competition for political power, respect for the rule of law and supremacy of the Constitution. We are working to make elected leaders more responsive to citizens’ needs & concerns and increasingly hold them accountable for their performance in office…
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