SODANN’s Programme area: Promoting Transitional Justice in Teso and Karamoja

justiceTeso and Karamoja societies are transiting from a period of prolonged war and conflict to a period of peace. In essence, peace is just returning to this region. This is also true for the area commonly aggregated and referred to as ‘northern Uganda’ namely Lango, Acholi and West Nile. In the quest for long lasting peace some unpalatable things still characterize these societies namely; propensity to revenge, segregation and discrimination of former abductees or those involved in conflict, alienation of children and wives of rebel commanders, isolation and persecution of children born to soldiers from the government side; deprivation of property during and after return, are all factors that seek to undermine the peace, reconciliation and development processes. Without addressing these realities, any efforts to development fall short of acceptability and therefore sustainability.

The transitional justice programming is driven by the following objectives:

  • Unity and peaceful co-existence are promoted, accepted and sustained as a way of life in post conflict Teso and Karamoja.
  • Institutionalized reparation made to victims of war and conflict.
  • Vivid histories and memories of past atrocities are accepted, promoted and protected in Teso and Karamoja to deter a repeat of similar incidences.
  • Increased participation and influence to regional, national and international development of transitional justice processes.

SODANN engages in this programming so that the following outputs are realized:

  • Increased acceptance and reconciliation between victims and perpetrators of human rights violations in Teso and Karamoja region.
  • Increased redress to victims of human rights violations in Teso and Karamoja region.
  • Enhanced community capacity and willingness to deter reoccurrence of human rights violations in Teso and Karamoja region.
  • Resettling communities feel recognised and accepted thus the process of healing is promoted and sustained.
  • A visible contribution to the regional, national and international frameworks that seek to promote transitional justice.
  • A detailed record of past human rights violations is available for future reference and action.