We seek to improve knowledge, understanding & protection of human rights & the rule of law by enhancing civic, political, economic, social, and cultural rights.In order for human rights to be promoted, protected and observed, the role of human rights defenders is crucial. However, the current predicament of human rights defenders in Teso and Karamoja regions is increasingly getting risky following numerous threats to their lives because the perpetrators of human rights violations in this region & elsewhere feel exposed by the work of the human rights defenders.
SODANN continues to focus in this programme area with the objective of ensuring that:
- People of Teso and Karamoja regions in Uganda enjoy their inalienable human rights.
- Duty bearers protect citizens’ human rights in Teso and Karamoja regions & their role is visible and enhanced.
- The capacities of communities, community leaders and CSOs on human rights are enhanced.
- Enhancing the protection, security and professional development of human rights defenders in Teso and Karamoja region.
- Documentation, research, analysis & reporting of human rights violations in Teso and Karamoja is enhanced and sustained for advocacy.
The net effect of the above will be to generate the following outputs:
- Increase in knowledge and understanding of human rights by rights holders & duty bearers will be enhanced.
- In the event of human rights violations being committed there is immediate response & perpetrators are held accountable.
- Reduction of incidences of human rights violations thus communities get confidence to live peacefully in society.
- Vulnerable people and others access hitherto unavailable or very expensive legal aid services.
- Human rights defenders are safe, confident and proficient in their work.
- Factual information, reports and testimonies provide a basis for deterring and seeking redress on human rights violations. Besides, they aid general, academic, policy related and historical reference purposes.