

May 26, 2012:  Rotary Family Health Day held on Saturday at Soroti Municipality and Arapai Sub County

Rotary Club Soroti in conjunction with SODANN, Aids Information Center (AIC) and The Aids Support Organisation (TASO) celebrated this day by offering free HIV/AIDs counseling &testing and distribution of information on HIV/AIDS. SODANN’s role was to oversee all the activities at Moruapesur site. Rotarians at Work

May 5 & 11, 2012:  Myers Briggs training held in Soroti Municipality-Soroti District

Myers Briggs “Personality types and temperaments” training was organised twice by SODANN and facilitated by two British experts; Tim and Ann Marsden from the United Kingdom (UK). This training sought to enrich junior, middle and senior managers to help them understand their personality types, relate better to other colleagues, improve communication and help problem solving. A REPORT ON A TRAINING OF PERSONALITY TYPES AND TEMPERAMENTS draft 2[1]

November 22, 2011:  Conference with Local Leaders, CSO’s and partners in Teso region on International Criminal Court (ICC) Maintenance Strategy held at Tik Tik Guest House- Soroti Municipality

The consultations on ICC Maintenance Strategy organized for Teso region by SODANN drew various stakeholders comprising of civil society representatives, Local councilors, journalists, youths, women and persons with disabilities, and representatives of war victims. ICC maintenance strategy report24022012 Tik Tik

October 11, 2011:  Strengthening Administrative Data Production under the Plan for National Statistical Development for CSOs Held at Paxland Motel- Soroti district

SODANN organised training for 38 Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) on Administrative data. The aim of the training was to sensitize CSOs about statistics especially Administrative Data and also for CSOs to appreciate the information they generate to be put into good use.

September 21, 2011:  Soroti District Stakeholders Dialogue Workshop Held at Lukiiko Hall- Soroti district.

In this dialogue, various development partners from Soroti district actively participated in drawing strategies on how best they can complement on the work of Soroti district local government so as to improve on service delivery.THE STAKEHOLDERS DIALOGUE WORKSHOP HELD AT LUKIIKO HALL

August 25, 2011:  Dialogue on Reparations for Victims of Conflict in northern Uganda

SODANN in collaboration with the International Center for Transitional Justice (ICTJ), and the Justice and Reconciliation Project (JRP) held a one-day dialogue on reparations for victims of conflict in northern Uganda on Thursday, August 25, 2011, at Landmark Hotel in Soroti.  The event was attended by 25 participants from across the greater North. Facilitators shared presentations including a conceptual overview of reparations programmes, engendering reparations, international and domestic legal frameworks for reparations, stocktaking in the represented sub-regions, victims’ perspectives, the Kenyan experience, the relationship between reparations and development projects and building consensus and a way forward.   Reparation Dialogue Summary Report 25 Aug 2011

June 17, 2011: Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) consultation on coordination held at Tik Tik Royale- Soroti Municipality.

This consultation workshop was centered on generating strategies of enhancing coordination to increase Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) impact and to examine the CSOs operating environment in the changing political trends in Uganda. Over 70 CSOs representatives from national NGOs, international organizations, Community Based Organisations (CBOs), Faith Based Organisations (FBOs) and technical staff from the district local government attended CSOs workshop held at Tik Tik royale

October 4, 2011:  Youth Conference report on ICC

SODANN trained 40 youths on the work of ICC and gave them information about the types of crimes which can be brought before the Court.  Those who attended the conference  ask questions  such as  “Can ICC try crimes committed by Government or by a group of individuals or inter states?” and “how does ICC compensate the abducted children?”.Youth Conference report on ICC

October 6, 2011:  ICC report with the Journalists

Journalists from various radio stations in Teso came together to find out more about the ICC and its activities. Journalists were able to get answers to questions such as “Why doesn’t ICC handle the cases of Mukura massacre, Luwero Incidence?” and  “What implications does the issuing of the arrest warrant against Omar Al-Bashir, a sitting head of state, mean for the already fragile peace process in Sudan?”ICC report with the Journalists, 2011